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  • Introduction to the formula of nutrient solution for several kinds of hydroponic plants

    Introduction to the formula of nutrient solution for several kinds of hydroponic plants

    Compared with soil culture plants, hydroponic plants have many advantages, and the quality of hydroponic plants is good. Because the nutrient solution of flowers is prepared according to the needs of flower growth, the cultivated flowers have large and many flowers, strong taste, colorful color and long flowering period. Hydroponic plants save nutrients, water and labor.

  • Application method of hydroponic plant nutrient solution

    Application method of hydroponic plant nutrient solution

    The growth and flowering of flowers need a lot of nutrients, so it is necessary to add nutrient solution to the aquaculture to meet the needs of plant growth and flowering. The nutrient solution can be purchased at the hydroponic flower store and purchased according to the variety of flowers to be cultivated. But when using it, it must be diluted with water in strict accordance with the proportion in the instructions.

  • Hydroponic flowers should be properly oxygenated

    Hydroponic flowers should be properly oxygenated

    Many flower friends like to raise flowers by hydroponic culture, because hydroponic culture can use special nutrient solution, so many flower friends will feel that there is no need for other requirements. However, the water of hydroponic flowers is at rest for a long time, and there is less oxygen in the water, which is very disadvantageous to the growth of flowers.

  • It is not necessary to use nutrient solution to fertilize flowers in order to grow faster and blossom.

    It is not necessary to use nutrient solution to fertilize flowers in order to grow faster and blossom.

    Flower friends want to use nutrient solution, do not know how to choose, to be honest, there are many brands of plant nutrient solution, especially the newly emerging large number of manufacturers. Commonly used is Merlot's nutrient solution, whose price is generally high.

  • Introduction to the skills and instructions for the selection and purchase of hydroponic plant nutrient solution

    Introduction to the skills and instructions for the selection and purchase of hydroponic plant nutrient solution

    Introduction to the skills and instructions for the selection and purchase of hydroponic plant nutrient solution

  • A brief discussion on the skills of hydroponic Flowers to increase the content of dissolved oxygen in nutrient solution

    A brief discussion on the skills of hydroponic Flowers to increase the content of dissolved oxygen in nutrient solution

    We all know that flower planting, if you want to be good, then you need to increase the flower nutrient solution, so do you know how to improve the dissolved oxygen content of the nutrient solution? If you don't know, learn from the editor. Here are the techniques for hydroponic flowers to improve the content of dissolved oxygen in nutrient solution.

  • Dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing: there is a detailed solution

    Dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing: there is a detailed solution

    Dripping Guanyin leaves yellowing: there is a detailed solution

  • The cause and solution of yellowing and falling leaves of Fulutong

    The cause and solution of yellowing and falling leaves of Fulutong

    First, too much watering like wet, but avoid wet, so too much watering will not promote its growth, but will cause some adverse symptoms, such as yellowing leaves. Because Fulutong is also resistant to drought, its roots will grow normally under drought, but it is afraid of soaking in water, once there is too much water.

  • Classification and usage of Flower nutrient solution Strategy of odorless Flower cultivation in Water Culture and soil Culture

    Classification and usage of Flower nutrient solution Strategy of odorless Flower cultivation in Water Culture and soil Culture

    It is more and more convenient for flower friends to grow flower nutrient solution, but some flower friends do not know how to use it correctly. Containers filled with nutrient solution should use ceramic, plastic or glass materials, not iron products, otherwise the nutrient solution will fail. ...

  • Can primroses be hydroponically cultivated? Guide to hydroponic culture and maintenance of primroses

    Can primroses be hydroponically cultivated? Guide to hydroponic culture and maintenance of primroses

    Primroses, also known as primroses, New year flowers. Primula belongs to Primula (or Primrose), which is one of people's favorite flowers. So do you know that primroses can be hydroponically cultivated?

  • Application of hydroponic Culture in greenhouse Flowers

    Application of hydroponic Culture in greenhouse Flowers

    Application of hydroponic Culture in greenhouse Flowers

  • Lotus hydroponics--new fashion in flower cultivation

    Lotus hydroponics--new fashion in flower cultivation

    Lotus hydroponic culture is a cleaner, more advanced and more suitable cultivation method for industrial production developed on the basis of soilless culture. Water culture lotus has won the favor of lotus lovers because of its cleanliness, excellent effect of leaf observation, flower observation, fruit observation and root observation, and convenient maintenance. It has become a new fashion in flower cultivation.

  • What should we do when insects grow in Jiuli incense? disease and pest control of Jiuli incense / 3 insects and 3 diseases are sprayed with medicine

    What should we do when insects grow in Jiuli incense? disease and pest control of Jiuli incense / 3 insects and 3 diseases are sprayed with medicine

    Jiuli incense, a very ornamental plant, is very popular with flower friends because of its frequent flowering period and charming scenery when it blossoms. In life, many flower friends keep Jiuli incense, but because of careless maintenance and other reasons, will attract diseases and insect pests, that Jiuli incense leaves worms how to do

  • Causes of rotting roots of colored calla lilies

    Causes of rotting roots of colored calla lilies

    Domestic calla lilies are not so easy to raise, there will always be one kind of disease and that kind of disease, what can be done? How can we get rid of these diseases and insects? What if calla lilies are rotten when they are raised? What is the cause of this? Let's take a look at the women's network: colored calla lily disease: Eucalyptus

  • Preparation technology of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

    Preparation technology of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation

    The first step of soilless cultivation is to correctly prepare the nutrient solution, which is the key technical link of soilless cultivation. If the preparation method is not correct, some nutrient elements will fail due to precipitation, or affect plants.

  • Can hydroponic culture of mosaic collaterals take root?

    Can hydroponic culture of mosaic collaterals take root?

    1. Hydroponic culture of branches. The mosaic stone usually grows and propagates in the soil, but it can also be propagated by hydroponic rooting because of the air root in its node stem. When hydroponic culture, the mosaic collaterals of adult plants should be selected, and the branches with roots on the stems should be cut.

  • Brief Introduction to the Concept of Light Fertilizer in Flower Maintenance

    Brief Introduction to the Concept of Light Fertilizer in Flower Maintenance

    Light fertilizer is not actually a name for a certain fertilizer, but describes the concentration of fertilizer. Some novice friends may not be very clear about the concept of light fertilizer. Xiaobian will explain in detail what is light fertilizer in flower maintenance. If you are not clear, you can understand it together.

  • Daily maintenance of Catharanthus roseus

    Daily maintenance of Catharanthus roseus

    1, light flowers and leaves Catharanthus roseus like sufficient light, preferably astigmatism, but in the best summer, we must pay attention to proper sunshade, if not found and dealt with in time, it is easy to cause the leaves to be burned by light. 2. temperature flowers and leaves Catharanthus roseus likes the warm and humid environment, so you can keep it indoors every day.

  • Brazilian wood hydroponic essentials?

    Brazilian wood hydroponic essentials?

    1. Brazil wood hydroponic selection points grow healthy; belly of small soil culture plants with root washing hydroponic cultivation, the best in the container to add ceramsite, 2 weeks after the growth of white aquatic roots. Also can be selected in May to September with leaves of the top shoot direct water planting. New roots grow in about 20 days

  • Diseases that should be protected by flowers in greenhouse in winter

    Diseases that should be protected by flowers in greenhouse in winter

    Winter is a very difficult season for cold-resistant flowers and plants, so many flowers and plants will be raised in the greenhouse in winter. But the flowers raised in the greenhouse will have some diseases. The editor will introduce to you what problems the flowers in the greenhouse should pay attention to protect in winter.
